What Are The Ways To Embed Video In Yahoo Mail?
Yahoo mail has become one of the best email services to send emails, videos, attachments, and documents in a very few time. Now, you can easily embed video to Yahoo Mail and the trick is very easy. In this guide, we will discuss the exact procedure to embed video in Yahoo and you have to follow the steps very carefully by keeping in mind the strong and stable network connection to avoid any glitches.
Embed video to Yahoo Mail
Step 1: Add Video to Embed Video to Yahoo Mail Gallery
You have t copy and paste a direct link to your YouTube video into the “field and press” option and this video will be added to your website gallery automatically. If you have included those videos which you don’t want to be in the website gallery then in that case, you can remove them easily. Choose all videos which you wish to eliminate from the website gallery and choose “Button from the toolbar”. You can pick and choose videos just by holding the Ctrl while clicking on the videos you like.
Step 2: Embed Video HTML Properties
You will need to switch between available templates to choose a template that you wish to use in the embed YouTube videos and thumbnails. Control the quality images of output thumbnail by defining “parameter (0% – 100%). You can also establish the different sizes for thumbnails and video resolution.
Step 3: Publishing of Embed Video HTML. Insert the Video on Website or Local Drive
Publish your website videos lightbox freeware to a local drive or online. You are ready to publish the website video gallery online or to a local drive for checking. Choose the publishing method or enter the light-box gallery into the existing HTML page by using the option.
- To choose a folder on your hard drive, just click on the Browse folders option and then, select a location. Then, you have to click on Ok and you also can set “Option”
- The window will then enable you to define a different connection to use when uploading your website gallery to an FTP
You are now able to add a new FTP site by clicking “to the right of the” drop-down list window will appear. Now, enter a meaningful name for your site and enter the FTP details in the required field. You will have to enter your hostname, “domain”. The FTP port normally appears on port 21, therefore, this has been prefilled for you already and if your website uses anther port and you will have to enter it here,
Enter your username and password for the connection and if you don’t fill-up this information, Video LightBox is not able to connect to your site and therefore unable to upload your video to the website. If this website allows the anonymous connections, enter the anonymous as the username and your email address as the password. You may want to change the Directory as well if you need to have your uploaded images placed “you can specify it in the field on the window”.
To select the HTML page, click on the Open Html page option and then, the selection page where you wish to install the website album and click on Open.
Click inside the page to choose where you wish your gallery to display them, click on the “Insert After” option, and “Publish Button” and note that it isn’t possible to enter more than one gallery on the same page.
When you exit Embed Video HTML, you will be prompted to save your project. Te project contains your chosen video to put on your website video gallery and all your settings. It is a good idea to save the project because that will enable you to change the project in case you decide to do something different with future galleries. In that case, click yes and enter a name for your project and to choose the location of your project and click on the folder option and select a different location and click on Save
Step 4: Add How to Embed Video Into Your Own Page
- Video LightBox generates a special code and you can enter it in any place on your page where you want to add video pop-up
- Export your LightBox gallery by using Embed video HTML app in any test folder on a local drive
- Now, open the generated index.html file in the text editor
- Now, copy all the code for Video LightBox from the Body and Head tags and enter in on your page in the Head tag and in the place where you wish to have a gallery
Above-given steps are the exact way to embed your videos on Yahoo Mail and follow the steps very carefully. If you are facing any issue then, call on Yahoo Mail Service to get instant assistance from the Yahoo experts. The teams are always there to help you in any manner they can.
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